Evaluate log files

The esBusiness server service continuously saves a record of any errors that occur in error logs. These messages are mostly generated by instances outside the services, such as the operating system, mail server, etc., and are passed on by the services and finally saved by the Business server in the log files.

Some of these messages and brief descriptions of how to remedy the errors are given below:

Error message Description Additional information / Actions

Smtp error:

421 4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit

The message limit of your mail server has been reached (spam protection or similar).

Make appropriate adjustments to the mail server if needed.

Appropriate adjustments to the mail server (Exchange for example) are needed.

SMTP error:

501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax

Two possible causes:

An email address (containing @ or <>) has been entered in the Sender name field in the user's personal settings (= email sender). ONLY a name must be entered here.


If the sender's email address is a department, it is possible that the email address and sender name have been confused. An email address (containing @ or <>) must not be entered in the Email sender field.

1. User's personal settings

See Settings | Office | CRM | Personal - 'Email' area - Sender name field.


2. Department settings

See Settings | General | General | References | - Departments Email address / Email sender fields.

Smtp error:

501 5.1.7 Invalid address

This message indicates that the sender address is incorrect, for example: the email address is incomplete.

The service user requires Send as authorization.

Also see esBusiness server requirements Service user

Smtp error:

550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender

The user under which the service is running is not authorized as the current sender (sender email address) to send emails, or the sender address is invalid.

Check the sender of the email.

Also check whether the contents of the Email address and Email sender fields have been confused in eserp (Settings | General | General | References | Departments).

Smtp error:

550 5.7.1 Unable to relay

Smtp error:

421 4.3.2 Service not available

In most cases a corresponding receive connector on the part of the Exchange server is missing or it has not been configured correctly for Relay.

You can find some information here:



Error connecting SMTP-Server:

The specified host is unknown.

The specified mail server was not found or is invalid. Check the syntax of the host name for the outbox server or the mail group.

Also see ESServerConfig:

Email | Outbox server SMTP settings area Host name


Email | Mail account settings - 'Access data' area -> Host name

Error connecting SMTP-Server:

500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command

The mail server does not support the specified option (TLS, for example).

Deactivate TLS in ESServerConfig Email | Outbox server and Email | Mail account settings | 'Access data' area - SSL / TLS or activate the corresponding options on your mail server.

Error connecting SMTP-Server:

504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type

Your mail server does not support the authentication m ethod used by the esBusiness server service.

Basic authentication (login authentication) is required for the mail server in order to send emails.

TELNET Client can be used to check this as follows:

TELNET [smtp-Server] 25

HELO Servername


If this message also appears, the email account is not yet set up correctly. Get your administrator to check this if needed.

SMTP Error: 530 5.7.57 SMTP: Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM

This message indicates that the SMTP server configured in your email account can set up a connection to a SMTP client submission terminal but cannot be used to send directly.

In most cases it is sufficient to set the Anonymous user option in the receive connector of the Exchange admin center under Connector - Security -> authorization groups.

Error connecting SMTP-Server:

535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful

Username or password is incorrect. Check the syntax of the user name and specified password.

Also see ESServerConfig:

Email | Outbox server - SMTP settings area - User name / Password


Email | Mail account settings - 'Access data' area - User name / Password

Smtp error:

550 5.7.606

Access denied, banned sending IP [xx.xx.xx.xx]. To request removal from this list please visit https://sender.office.com/ and follow the directions.

For more information please go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=526655 (AS16012609) [xxxxxxxxxxx.prod.protection.outlook.com]


Smtp error: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable, Client host [xx.xx.xx.xx] blocked using Spamhaus. To request removal from this list see http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup.lasso (AS16012612) [xxxxxxxxxxx.prod.protection.outlook.com]

The message indicates that sending of emails is generally blocked, for example by spam protection (blacklisting).

In such cases, contact the provider named in the message to get your sender data removed from the spam filter (blacklist).


Userlogin failed. Please check your ES office settings for the service personnel number

No personnel number has been entered in the eserp settings for the esBusiness server service, or the entered personnel number is invalid (personnel number does not exist in personnel master data).

A Service User must be recorded for the Business Server in the eserp Settings under Settings | External programs | es2000 | esBusiness Server | Settings.

Also see

esBusiness server requirements - Service user

Service level 0 for Servicecall xxxxx not found.

A constellation of the settings (escalations, etc.) requires that a service level that no longer exists is to be set for a call.


Check the following settings / references for service management in eserp to see if corresponding service levels have been created or assigned:

Settings | Service | Service management | References | Service level -> 'Associated escalation points' table


Settings | Service | Service management | References | Escalation points -> 'Associated service level' table


Settings | Service | Service management | Settings | Help desk - 'Approval' area - Default service level


The request failed. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

This message can occur if an attempt is made to connect to the Microsoft Exchange server when using the Exchange interface. Please note that a connection is only possible through a protected SSL channel.

You must obtain a corresponding SSL certificate and embed this in the IIS for this.


A certificate that is not self signed is required.

A certificate issued and checked by a trustworthy certification agency (CA - Certificate Authorities) is required for this purpose.

Also see Business server - 'Client settings' area.


Error: invalid settings in database for callstate

One or more service call statuses have not been defined correctly.

Check the Service call status settings in eserp under Settings | Service | Service management | Helpdesk - 'Status' area. The error message will occur if a service call status has not been defined for each and every category.

Create MailBoxParser: Wrong account name and/or password. The server responded: MBN00000006 NO LOGIN failed. This message is represented in the Business server interface as follows:


Could not connect to IMAP server using the supplied access data. Please check the entries.


Please check that all the access data has been entered correctly in the mailbox settings of the esBusiness server.

Please note that the Exchange server may expect a different syntax. For example, domain/user may be correct for one server, while another may expect domain\user.

Problems with the IMAP protocol have occured in the past with Exchange 2013 with cumulative updates for Microsoft Windows.

Information about remedial measures for this situation can be found under the following link:


TELNET can also be used if needed to check access from the computer that is running the server services. As well as the example given, other measures can be found on the Internet. These should be applied by an administrator.

TELNET [Servername] 143

Response: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.

? LOGIN domain/user password

Response: * OK LOGIN completed.

? LIST '' '*' (This command should display a list of the available folders)


esBusiness server mailbox server settings also see ESServerConfig:


Email | Outbox server - SMTP settings area - User name / Password


Email | Mail account settings - 'Access data' area - User name / Password

Error: You are not allowed to add a new record.

No service user has been defined. A data set in the personnel master data defined as the service user is required for various tasks.

A Service User must be recorded for the Business Server in the eserp Settings under Settings | External programs | es2000 | esBusiness Server | Settings.

Also see esBusiness server requirements- Service user


The following error occurred during setup of the connection to the IMAP server: Socket connection has been refused by remote host. InnerException message follows: Handshake error due to unexpected packet format.

If this error message occurs, it is usually sufficient to change the port to 143 and to deactivate SSL / TLS encryption in the mailbox settings.

esBusiness mailbox settings

also see ESServerConfig


Email | Outbox server - SMTP settings area - User name / Password


Email | Mail account settings - 'Access data' area - User name / Password

The following message appears when the connection to the Exchange server is tested:

The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

The message occurs when the account runs under the esBusiness server service.

Services -> esBusiness server -> Properties -> Login does not have sufficient rights, for example if only the local system account is specified there.

Use an account that has the corresponding rights to start / run the esBusiness server service.

Also see esBusiness server requirements- Service user

The following message appears when the connection to the Exchange server is tested:

The request failed. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

The message indicates that a true SSL certificate is not used.

This could be a self-signed certificate. A true SSL certificate is required to use the ES Exchange interface.


A certificate that is not self signed is required.

A certificate issued and checked by a trustworthy certification agency (CA - Certificate Authorities) is required for this purpose.

Also see Business server - 'Client settings' area.


Also see esExchange - Requirements

ScanAppointmentsEs Error: Error reading property DocumentPathNo: Entered character sequence has incorrect format.

This message indicates that there is an incorrect value in the EINALLG table under the EINALLGID 130 in the EINALLGVALUE field. Only a path number should be there.

Please contact Support.

Socket connection was aborted by remote host.

The IMAP service of the Microsoft Exchange server aborted the connection.

The service may not be started, or may be rejecting further connections due to an upgrade or other reasons.

Check that the corresponding Exchange services are running.

You may find further information in the Exchange server log files.

Create MailBoxParser: IOException occurred. InnerException message follows: Part of the path E:\ESoffice\Logs\InboxTest-Idle-max.patterson.log could not be found.

An ImapLogFile can be specified under Email -> Mail import settings.

This message indicates that the path recorded there cannot be found.

Check the path and adjust if necessary.

also see esServerConfig:


Email | Mail import settings - Imap log file area-> Path

HTTP could not register URL https://+:12163/ The process does not show any access rights for this namespace (details can be found under hhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70353). ---> System.Net.HttpListenerException: Access denied

The service user recorded for the esBusiness server does not have sufficient rights within the network.

Use an account that has the corresponding rights to start / run the esBusiness server service.


Also see esBusiness server requirements- Service user

Error connecting SMTP-Server: Connection attempt failed because the receiver did not respond correctly in time or the established connection was faulty because the connected host did not respond.

This message can occur if the password for the user account used for the esBusiness server service has expired.

Use an account that has the corresponding rights to start / run the esBusiness server service. Activate the service user's account / allocate a new password in line with your password rules.


Also see esBusiness server requirements- Service user



es2000 does not make any recommendation regarding the suitability of the above information. Errors and exceptions are excluded and no responsibility is accepted for the information provided. The statements are simply descriptions and do not guarantee the consistency of the products. The information may also in part be an attempt to assist you with a task even if the product itself is not specifically designed for this purpose.