
The optional esExchange module integrates into the esBusiness server service and is used to synchronize appointments and tasks between eserp and Microsoft Exchange. Synchronization settings can be made for each user to be synchronized.


Synchronization with several Exchange servers can be set up with the esExchange license.

Please make sure that you take note of the system requirements. You can then work through the following points one by one.

Synchronizing appointments and tasks between Exchange and eserp


Conference appointments

No conference appointments will be changed or deleted in eserp when they are changed or deleted in Exchange.


The esExchange module is part of the es Business Server and is used to synchronize appointments and tasks between eserp and Microsoft Exchange. Synchronization settings can be made for each user (employee) to be synchronized. Several Microsoft eExchange servers can be connected if an additional license is purchased.

A configured esBusiness server service is required before the Exchange interface can be put into operation.


  • Microsoft Exchange 2016 or later
  • EWS (Exchange Web Services) pre installed and executable


We strongly recommend the use of Autodiscover for communication. To see if this is possible without problems, perform a connectivity test for Microsoft web services under [Connectivity tests for Microsoft Exchange web services -> Synchronization, Notification, Availability and Automated responses]

  • SSLClosed User friendliness connection


    A certificate that is not self signed is required.

    A certificate issued and checked by a trustworthy certification agency (CA - Certificate Authorities) is required for this purpose.

    Also see Business server - 'Client settings' area.

  • If load balancing is used, it is essential that the entire system converges under one URL (not one URL per user / mailbox!)

  • If this is not desirable, an additional module (esMulti-Exchange) can be purchased, which allows connection to several Exchange servers.

  • Consideration of other EWS parameters:

  • The Exchange user account must be a complete user with mailbox and must be authorized to 'impersonate' the personnel to be synchronized. This role is called Application impersonation.


This should be carefully discussed with your provider, particularly if a cloud based Exchange solution is involved.


  • eserp Version 1.0 or above (additional database script required!)
  • esBusiness Server for eserp Version 1.0 or above
  • The users that are to be synchronized must have authorizations to create appointments.


No conference appointments will be changed or deleted in eserp when they are changed or deleted in Exchange. Please remember that your MS Exchange server will need to be installed and configured by suitable IT professionals.

We also recommend that one of our technicians is present for the installation and start up of the es Business Server and esExchange modules as soon as the above requirements for the Microsoft Exchange server have been met.

Additional Exchange parameters

To operate the esExchange interface additional settings of the Microsoft Exchange server may be necessary. These can be viewed on the Microsoft Help pages.

To make it easier to find the commands needed, we have summarized them here. These should be configured by your IT specialists by means of the Exchange Management Shell.

The information shown here can be adapted to suit your needs.


exchangeadmin or ESExchangeEWS are possible names.

The parameters given below apply to all supported versions of Microsoft Exchange unless otherwise stated.


The Exchange server active directory user Impersonating allows:

Allow Exchange Server Active Directory User Impersonation
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Name:EsExchangeEWS –Role:ApplicationImpersonation –User:esexchangeadmin


Query Exchange version:

Exchange 2016
Get-ExchangeServer | fl name,edition,admindisplayversion


es2000 does not make any recommendation regarding the suitability of the above information. Errors and exceptions are excluded and no responsibility is accepted for the information provided. The statements are simply descriptions and do not guarantee the consistency of the products. The information may also in part be an attempt to assist you with a task even if the product itself is not specifically designed for this purpose.


  • eserp Version 1.0 or above (additional database script for the eserp database required)
  • es Business Server for eserp Version 1.0 or above (for eserp-Server-Installation)
  • The users that are to be synchronized must have authorizations to create appointments.


Conference appointments

No conference appointments will be changed or deleted in eserp when they are changed or deleted in Exchange.


Please remember that your MS Exchange server will need to be installed and configured by suitable IT professionals.

We also recommend that one of our technicians is present for the installation and start up of the esBusiness Server and esExchange modules as soon as the above requirements for the Microsoft Exchange server have been met.


7.2 Hints


Make sure that there are no other esExchange interfaces in operation within the network (for example, in a test environment).

The corresponding settings are found in the esBusiness server configuration tool (esServerConfig). The es Business server service must therefore be installed and set up for the esExchange server functions.

esExchange configuration is accessed from the Exchange tab. The esExchange interface allows you to synchronize appointments and tasks from Microsoft Exchange and eserp.

'Exchange connections' area

The button above the list is used to set up a new connection to your Microsoft Exchange server by EWSClosed Exchange Web Services Exchange Web Services are an important interface for applications for accessing Exchange contents..

Appointment sync.

Activate this option if synchronization of appointments is also to take place via the Exchange connection.

Exchange EWS information

Exchange authentication type

THis selection specifies how esExchange is authenticated to the Exchange server.

Different entries are required depending on the type of authentication chosen.

User authentication (UPN, password)

With this method, a user name and password are used by the Exchange server for authentication.

User (UPN)

Enter the account name (User Principal Name) of your Exchange server here.


Pleas note that this is NOT in the same syntax as a domain user, like Domain\Exchangeadmin but has the same syntax as Exchangeadmin@domain.local

The exact syntax depends on the Exchange version. Contact your Exchange administrator if you have any questions about this.

The specified Exchange user account must be a complete Exchange user with mailbox. Authorization to impersonate the employee to be synchronized is also required.

This is the role called Application impersonation in Exchange.


The password for the specified Exchange account.


If you use autodiscover, the entry under ASMX (Url) is ignored and determined automatically for each new connection.


If the message The Autodiscover Service couldn´t be located appears,there is a problem with the server / network configuration.

First of all, check whether a connection by URL (see next point) is possible. Microsoft provides the Support and Recovery Assistant at to help solve problems with automatic connection (autodiscover).

ASMX (Url)

The URL (ASMX) is ideally determined and entered here using autodiscover after entering the user name and password and clicking on the Check assignment button.


If you are unable to use autodiscover, you can enter the complete URL to your .asmx configuration here instead.

General example URL

Example URL for a real certificate

(Please take note of the exchange. syntax in the URL)


The URL can be determined using the following PowerShell command to the Exchange server:

Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |fl identity,internalurl,externalurl

Check connection

You can use this to test the connection to your Exchange server.

Application authentication with OAuth 2.0 (IDs, secret)


Contact your Exchange administrator for the necessary information.

You can find a description of howw to register the esBusiness server as an app for Exchange Online under Register app for Exchnage online.

ASMX (Url)


If you are unable to use autodiscover, you can enter the complete URL to your .asmx configuration here instead.

General example URL

Example URL for a real certificate

(Please take note of the exchange. syntax in the URL)


The URL can be determined using the following PowerShell command to the Exchange server:

Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |fl identity,internalurl,externalurl

Client ID

Enter the Client ID for the connection to the Exchange server here.

Tenant ID

The Tenant ID for the connection is entered in this field.

Client key

An additional client key is required for the connection to the Exchange server.

Request auth. token

You can request an authentication token from the Exchange server using the Request auth. token button after you have entered the necessary access data.

Options - Appointment synchronization area

The additional settings for the Exchange connection selected in the list are made in this area.

ES synchronization interval

Enter the interval in minutes between each search of your eserp database for changes to appointments and tasks to be synchronized with Exchange.

Start synchronization

Select the time here from which changes in eserp or Exchange are to be observed. This serves as the start value for the interface and is extended to the last synchronization automatically. If your selection is in the future or is more than 30 days in the past, the time will be set automatically to 30 days in the past.

Default activity type for appointments

Select the desired activity type to be applied when your Exchange appointments are imported into eserp (if not otherwise defined in the Activity types section).

Activity types are recorded in the corresponding reference table (Settings | Office | General | References | Activity types).

Default activity type for tasks

Select the desired activity type to be applied when your Exchange tasks are imported into eserp (if not otherwise defined in the Activity types section).

Activity types are recorded in the corresponding reference table (Settings | Office | General | References | Activity types).

Outlook priority Normal, Low, High

An eserp priority is linked to the corresponding Outlook priority here.

Alternative text synchronization


This option should only be activated in special cases after consultation with es2000 Support.

Synchronize activity type

This option activates synchronization of the activity types and Outlook categories.

If this option is activated, the Exchange appointments and tasks will be transferred with the activity types described in the Activity types area.

Transfer priority as text to Outlook

This causes the priority to also be shown in the appointment text. This option is particularly useful for devices or software clients that do not support priorities in their display of appointments.

Transfer equipment as text to Outlook

If equipment is assigned to an appointment in eserp, each equipment line item separated by a comma can be transferred with the appointment text if this option is activated.

Allow address bok synchronization from Outlook

If this option is activated, contact persons can also be transferred using the optional esOutlook add in.

Synchronized personnel area

Individual employees from the master data can be selected from the Non-synchronized personnel area fro Exchange synchronization.

Using the single arrow button, you can transfer individual employees from the Non-synchronized personnel list into the Synchronized personnel list. You can also use the corresponding arrow button to transfer in the opposite direction.

The double arrow buttons transfer the entire list.


Make sure that the main email address (Email field) in the employee's master data corresponds to the particulae email address for the Exchange server.

You can make synchronization settings for each employee here.


When you add employees, all the options will be initially activated.

Appointment synchronization active

If this option is activated, appointments for this employee are synchronized between eserp and MS Exchange.

Delete appointments in Exchange

Delete in Exchange appointments deleted in eserp

Delete appointments in eserp

Delete in eserp appointments deleted in Exchange

No private appointments

Appointments flagged as Private will not be synchronized.

Synchronize tasks

Synchronize tasks between eserp and Exchange

Delete tasks in Exchange

Delete in Exchange tasks deleted in eserp

Delete tasks in eserp

Delete in eserp tasks deleted in Exchange

No private tasks

Tasks flagged as Private will not be synchronized.

Transfer contact persons to Outlook

This option specifies if the particular employee is allowed to transfer addresses to Outlook. Synchronization of contact persons is done using the optional esOutlook add in module.

Also see Export contact person and Import contact person.

Employment status

The current employment status of the selected employee is shown here.

Transfer contact persons to Outlook

This option specifies if the particular employee is allowed to transfer addresses from eserp to Outlook.

the esOutlook add in is required for contact person synchronization.

Check assingment

The Check assignment button is used to test the various entries in synchronized personnel. If it is not possible to set up a connection to one or more of the specified mailboxes, a corresponding message will be displayed.

Activity types area

You can transfer your eserp activity types as Outlook categories and vice versa. Your activity types will be included in Exchange with the following description: ES_No_Description.


The Task activity type would be shown as the Outlook category ES_5_Task in light green.

Outlook category color

You can optionally assign an Outlook category color to your activity types here. This is used for display in your Exchange.


If the esExchange interface was newly set up, it will be necessary to close and restart the eserp clients following activation of synchronization.