Service level

Service levels or SLAs (service level agreements) can be agreed with clients in order to provide reliable, timely assistance in the event of a fault. As not every fault will be as critical for every company, you can define and assign different service levels. Depending on how critical the fault is to the company's operations, the service level can also be assigned to individual components of a system such as a server.

The service levels are used to prioritize service calls in the Help desk. A check can also be made to see if the agreed solution times have been met. Escalations can be triggered when the solution times agreed for the service level are exceeded.

'Service level' table

Service level

Assign a unique number for each service level.

Please remember that the combination of the Service level number and the language code must be unique.


The service level description is only displayed here. The service level description is entered in the different languages in the Descriptions table.


Every service level must be assigned a priority so that the assigned service call can be shown in the processing list. Select a priority from the corresponding reference table.

On call time

A previously defined on call time can be assigned to the service level. The on call time is used to define the possible times when the service level can be used, as well as the time (hour) up to which service calls of this type can be accepted (= started).

Also see On-call times

Reaction time

Enter the agreed reaction time in minutes for the service level here.

The reaction time is the maximum time that is allowed to elapse from the time the fault notification is received until a reaction occurs (phone call, Email, etc.).

Response time

The response time for the service level is entered here.

The response time is the time between the time when the fault is accepted and the time when the technician arrives at the client.

Agreed solution time

The agreed solution time specifies the time within which a service call that is assigned this service level should be solved.

The agreed solution time is specified in minutes.

Back in operation time

This time period in minutes specifies the time from the fault notification until the notified fault must be cleared and normal operation is possible again.


You can enter a short description of the service level for information in the Info memo field.

'Descriptions' table

You can record descriptions in different languages her for the selected entry in the Service level table.

Language code

Select a Language code from the Languages reference table. The Language code refers to the language that is used for the entries in the Description field.


Multi-language capability for the program requires the license 0110340 Multi-language labels.


Enter a Description according to the set Language code.

'Associated escalation points' table

You can record escalation points here for the selected entry in the 'Service level' table.

Also see Escalation points

Escalation point

Select one or more escalation points from the corresponding reference table.

A service call reaches an escalation point when the percentage of the solution time specified in the service level has elapsed.


The priority recorded here is assigned to the service call when the escalation point has been reached and the escalation has actually occurred. If no priority is specified here, the priority of the service call will not change.