esoffice standard installation
Depending on the selected installation options, further steps may be necessary after running the esoffice installation program.
Copy licence file
When an individual client installation is run from a USB stick, there will usually be a valid licence file present. If you downloaded the installation from the web helpdesk, you will need to copy the licence file licence.cfg into the para directory of your esoffice installation (default: es200\esoffice\para) after installation of esoffice has finished.
You can obtain the licence file from es2000 Sales.
Set up MSSQL databases
If you are using a Microsoft SQL server, you will also need to create the esoffice databases.
Please contact es2000 Support for assistance.
Database connection adjustment
If you are using a Microsoft SQL server, you will also need to adjust the database connections in the dbxconnections.ini file. This file is located in the para directory of your esoffice installation (default: es2000\esoffice\para).
Please contact es2000 Support for assistance.
Backup concept
You must develop and set up a backup concept tailored to the needs of your company yourself or with the help of an IT service provider.
It is also imperative that you regularly check that the backup has been done and that the esoffice databases are completely backed up.
Database maintenance
You have set up an SQL server for esoffice / eserp and are using it. As the SQL server is not a part of esoffice / eserp but is a separate external product, we recommend regular database maintenance.
Changing passwords
If you have used the default passwords for the installation, you must change the database and other passwords. The degree of security and management of the passwords, etc. is the responsibility of the client or the correspondingly contracted IT service provider.