User management

Access to esweb for clients and personnel (employees, technicians) is managed under the Settings | User management menu command.

Client + contact person tab

The Clients + contact persons tab initially displays all the clients that already have access set up.

Search / Filter

Search function

Full text search in all displayed fields. The search starts as soon as the first character is entered.

Office branch filter: Current office branch


The office branch filter is shown if you have a license for the optional Office branches module.

Also see Office branches


General | Office branches | Office branches authorization is required for display of the office branch filter.

General | Office branches | View all office branches authorization is required to view all office branches.

If this filter is activated, only those data sets that are assigned to the current office branch will be displayed.


The basic function of the office branch filter is described under Office branch filter.

Office branch filter: Own office branches


The office branch filter is shown if you have a license for the optional Office branches module.

Also see Office branches


General | Office branches | Office branches authorization is required for display of the office branch filter.

General | Office branches | View all office branches authorization is required to view all office branches.

If this filter is activated, only those data sets for all the office branches assigned in the personnel master data to the logged in user will be displayed.

Also see


The basic function of the office branch filter is described under Office branch filter.

Client / contact person access

To view the accesses recorded for a client, click on the particular Client no. The accesses for the selected address are shown in the Users area.

A distinction is made between General client login and Specific employee login.


If you click on Assignments for a Specific login, a list of the clients to whom the contact persons were assigned is displayed.

Delete access / login

Click on the button to permanently erase an access / a login A message is displayed (Are you sure you want to delete this user?) before the data set is erased.

The data set is not deleted until you confirm this message by clicking the OK button.


This function is used to reset the password of the user. A message is displayed (Are you sure you want to reset this password?) before a new password is assigned.

The new password is not generated and sent by email to the user until you confirm this message by clicking the OK button.


Password cannot be sent by email

If the email cannot be sent due to a missing connection to the esBusiness server service or a mising email function, a dialog showing the access data will be displayed.

Please make a note of this password, as it cannot be displayed again. If you lose the password, you can generate a new one by resetting the password.

Create client login / employee login

The button allows you to create a new user for the selected client or to specify a client that does not have a login yet.

If you now select the client, a General client login is generated. If you select a contact person, an Employee login is generated.

The User ID numbers are initially preset as follows:

  • When the first general client login is entered, the User ID is the same as the client number.

  • If a further general client login is created, the User ID is initially blank and a number must be entered manually.

  • When a new access for a contact person is specified, the User ID is the same as the contact person number.

  • If a further access for the same contact person is specified, the User ID will again be the contact person number, but this must be changed as duplicate User IDs are not allowed.


User ID already assigned

is displayed next to the User ID field if the User ID has already been assigned elsewhere. Assign your own unique User ID in this case.


Assigning a contact person to several clients

One contact person can be assigned to several clients, for example an IT technician who looks after several companies. An assignment can also be made for this in esweb User management.

The user can log in for all the marked clients shown under Further clients. A query to this effect will be displayed on the web inteface at log in.

Selection from the viewpoint of the client user logging in


The client selection for contact persons can be adjusted under Settings | Layout - 'Edit page layout' area.

When all the relevant fields have been completed, an email containing the access data is sent automatically to the selected address when the data is saved.


Password cannot be sent by email

If the email cannot be sent due to a missing connection to the esBusiness server service or a mising email function, a dialog showing the access data will be displayed.

Please make a note of this password, as it cannot be displayed again. If you lose the password, you can generate a new one by resetting the password.


The start password that is assigned here must be replaced by the user with a secure password of their choice when logging in for the first time.

Specify your own secure password using upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Password rules (password length, password sequence, etc.) can be set under Settings | General | Parameters - 'User management' area.

If a password that can be easily guessed is assigned, a warning is displayed.

Every user can change their own password at any time using the Login dialog (Settings | Change password).


The subject line text and email text used for sending the esweb access data by email can be specified by selecting a default text under Settings | General | Parameters - 'User management' area.

'Personnel' tab

The Personnel tab initially displays all the employees that already have access set up.

Search function

Full text search in all displayed fields. The search starts as soon as the first character is entered.

User ID

The User ID and Password are required to login to esweb. As a rule, the personnel number is used as the User ID for employees.

User for

Employee name. This is taken from the esoffice personnel master data when creating the esweb access data.

License type

The license type is additionally displayed here so that you can see if the recorded employees can use all the module functions for the esweb access (default) or if a restricted licese has bee assigned.

The following license types are available:


Item number 999100 User License (Network)

License for eserp using a local or network installation (for example for back office, sales, company management, etc.). All eserp modules and program functions can be used with a standard license (authorizations can be used to restrict access).


Item number 999150 User License (Terminal)

User license to use eserp in a terminal server environment.


Item number 999050 User License (Technician)

License with restricted range of functions. This is used for field work technicians who do not need access to all the eserp functions.

Access to the following modules is included:

  • In Calendar and Resource elements, the Static text element is used to display the title.

  • Personnel assignment planning (PAP)

  • Personnel team ability

  • Dispatching

  • Email

  • TAPI

  • Systems

  • Maintenance

  • Service

  • Help desk

  • Fault notification

Technician base (time recording license)

Item number 999070 User License (Time Recording)

License with restricted range of functions. This is used for field work technicians who do not need access to the desktop functions (eserp, esCash, etc.).

This license enables recording of times on own orders and leave requests in esweb and esmobile.

Employees can also acknowledge their work times with their signature.

Display of service and inspection orders ONLY with corresponding appointment.

Site manager

Item number 999060 User License (Site manager)

License with restricted range of functions. This is used for field site managers who do not need access to all the eserp functions.

The scope is the same as the Technician license with access to the Goods received module added.

Access to the following modules is included:

  • In Calendar and Resource elements, the Static text element is used to display the title.

  • Personnel assignment planning (PAP)

  • Personnel team ability

  • Dispatching

  • Email

  • TAPI

  • Systems

  • Maintenance

  • Service

  • Help desk

  • Fault notification

  • Stock entry

  • Email history


Employee's email address. This is taken from the esoffice personnel master data when creating the esweb access data.

Delete access / login

Click on the button to permanently erase an access / a login A message is displayed (Are you sure you want to delete this user?) before the data set is erased.

The data set is not deleted until you confirm this message by clicking the OK button.


This function is used to reset the password of the user. A message is displayed (Are you sure you want to reset this password?) before a new password is assigned.

The new password is not generated and sent by email to the user until you confirm this message by clicking the OK button.

Create esweb employee login (personnel)

Create personnel / employee login

  1. Open the Settings | User management menu in esweb.

    Click on the button on the Personel tab. The New users area is displayed below the personnel list.

  2. Select Personnel as the Address type. You can open a list for selecting an employee using the magnifying glass icon.

    You can search for a client within the list or restrict the list by means of the office branch filter.


    If the desired employee is not displayed, check the Employment period (Start / End) under Office | Personnel | Details I in esoffice. No access to esweb can be set up outside the employment period.

  3. Select an employee. The personnel number is suggested as the User ID for the esweb login.


    User ID already assigned

    is displayed next to the User ID field if the User ID has already been assigned elsewhere. Assign your own unique User ID in this case.

  4. The start password is sent to the employee by email, to the employee's recorded email address.


    If the Also send password email to any email address option is activated under Settings | General | Parameters - 'User management' area, you can enter an email address to which the password is to be sent.

  5. Click on the Create button. The access is created and the access data are sent by email to the selected address automatically.


    Password cannot be sent by email

    If the email cannot be sent due to a missing connection to the esBusiness server service or a mising email function, a dialog showing the access data will be displayed.

    Please make a note of this password, as it cannot be displayed again. If you lose the password, you can generate a new one by resetting the password.


    The start password that is assigned here must be replaced by the user with a secure password of their choice when logging in for the first time.

    Specify your own secure password using upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Password rules (password length, password sequence, etc.) can be set under Settings | General | Parameters - 'User management' area.

    If a password that can be easily guessed is assigned, a warning is displayed.

    Every user can change their own password at any time using the Login dialog (Settings | Change password).


    Specifics for esmobile users

    When a new user login is created for esmobile in esweb, the first login to esweb must be done using the start password. You cannot log in to esmobile using the temporary start password.

    When you first log in to esweb, a personal secure password must also be allocated.

    Also see Create esweb employee login (personnel)

    After a user for esmobile has been created in esweb, the temporary stored settings must be reset in esweb (Reset.aspx) when the vehicle store is entered or edited. Open the page https://[YourDomain]/esweb/system/reset and click on the Restart session button.


The subject line text and email text used for sending the esweb access data by email can be specified by selecting a default text under Settings | General | Parameters - 'User management' area.


If a user is created here that does not yet exist in eserp, this user will also be created there automatically.