
You can access files / documents from the DMS for the particular address / process on this Documents tab.


DMS | View documents authorization is required to view documents.

If the process involves an address (Client, Potential client, Vendor, etc.), all the document versions where the process can be assigned to this address (for example: all the documents for a service order that belongs to a particular client) will be displayed on the Documents tab sorted according to process type and time.

If the process does not involve an address (for example: a service order), only those documents that are directly assigned to this process type (example process type: Service order) and this particular process (example: Service order no. 23461) will be displayed on the Documents tab.

Process type Address

The Documents tab for file management is displayed within the detail forms for the individual address types (Clients, Potential clients, Vendors, etc.) in eserp.

On the tab, the separate document versions are shown in a file tree structure. The file tree is made up from the separate possible process types for this address type in eserp.

You can display, for example, all the offer documents for a Client by clicking on the Offer folder in the directory tree. Only the document versions that are assigned to a process for the address will be displayed.

An example to explain the background: Different versions of a document containing procedural instructions for restarting an alarm system or a telephone system can have been sent to different clients from different service calls made to the Help desk. However, the user is only interested in seeing the specific version that was sent to a client at a particular time, X.

The Miscellaneous folder is a special case, however. You can save documents to this folder that do not have an explicit process assignment. Only the address as such is assigned as a process to the document. Additional sub folders can be added to the Miscellaneous folder using the Document management settings.

Other processes with DMS filing

If the process in which the document management is displayed does not involve an address, only the files that are directly assigned to this process will be displayed in the directory tree on the Documents tab.


The Documents tab is divided into different areas.

The focus is on the grouped display of documents versus time for each process type.

Working documents

The following areas are part of the working documents:


Shows all documents that have been saved as Favorites. You can add documents as Favorites or remove them from the Favorites using the context menu (right click on the document or document version).

My documents

All the documents or versions of a document created by the current user.

Checked out documents

All the documents that were checked out for editing by the current user are shown in this folder.

Search folder

Displays all the document versions that were opened, saved locally, or checked out in the Search dialog.

Last viewed

Displays all the document versions that were last opened from the document management system.

Process view

All the documents for the particular process type are grouped according to the relative process number at the separate nodes of the process view. If a process type has a sub folder, the directory tree is kept and the documents in it are shown grouped on the time axis.


A document possesses the following properties: Document name, author, creation date, file size, etc. There can be different versions of each document. Each version can be assigned to different processes.

Sub folders that are on the same level as the document versions can also be shown in this area.

Document details

The document details are subdivided into the areas Document properties, Version properties, Process assignment, and Key words.

Click on the Edit button to edit the document details. Click on the Edit button again to close Edit mode. The padlock icon on the Edit button indicatesi f the document details are in Edit mode.


DMS | Edit documents authorization is required to edit documents.

The document details are locked against editing.

The document details can be edited (Edit mode).

Document properties

The document properties of the selected document, such as the name, description, and creation date, are shown here.

The properties can be edited in Edit mode.

Also see Document status.

Version properties

You can save as many versions of each document as you want. The properties of each version are shown in this area.

The properties can be edited in Edit mode.

Process assignment

The processes to which the document is assigned are listed in this area. The matchcode for processes that can be opened via a link is shown underlined.

You can delete individual process assignments in Edit mode.

You can assign additional processes using the Add button in Edit mode.

Key words

You can assign as many key words as you want to a document. The assigned key words are listed in this area.

You can delete / add key words in Edit mode.

Also see Keyword.

The search bar allows document versions to be found more quickly.

Functions / Toolbars

Various functions are provided in the toolbars (ribbons / ribbon bars) above the tabs.

The toolbar structure depends on the current module / tab.


Some toolbars are only shown when you edit certain fields, such as the Text toolbar when you edit rich text fields.