eserp system requirements (EN)

ERP software is as versatile as your company. The IT requirements are therefore very individual.

The following is an overview of the required hardware and software and of the supported operating systems and databases.


Valid for eserp Version 2.xx / 3.xx

Date: 15.01.2025


In general, the best practices of the particular manufacturers and third party suppliers apply. This starts with the selection of compatible hardware and optimum configuration of the firmware, through to proper installation of the operating system according to the documentation provided, and culminates with optimization of the software parameters to match the particular purpose for its use.

It is assumed that all maintenance and updates are performed in a timely manner.


All the specifications refer to a system that is intended for dedicated operation of es2000 software.

If you use further software at the same time, the requirements will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Please contact us regarding variations or very specific requirements (Contact).

General information

Database, application and terminal servers can run on a server or each on their own machines.

Application server

Database server

Terminal server

Web server

Workstation PC / client

Mobile devices

Software life cycle

The smooth operation of es2000 software solutions is dependent on the security updates and bug fixes from the platform producers and third party software providers. es2000 is therefore aligned with their product life cycles. There is no guarantee that es2000 professional software will run on discontinued systems that are not subject to regular fault maintenance.

New products are normally enabled on the release date.


If in doubt, please contact our Support team on +49 541 4042 110 / for information about known problems.

Do you need help in migrating to more up to date products?

Please contact us – we are here to help you.

Decentralized connectivity

External users and branches are connected through a terminal server such as Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDP). The bandwidth demand can vary greatly depending on the quality settings that have been made. For comfortable operation on popular screen sizes we recommend about 512 kbit/s per user with a minimum upload rate of 10 Mbit/s. Particular attention must be paid here to the expected printout volume.


A direct database connection from the es2000 Desktop client by means of a VPN is not supported because latencies in the millisecond range are too high for the large number of SQL queries.

Operation in a computer center

All the program components and services of the es2000 software require direct local access to the SQL database. This means that it is not possible to outsource a part of the program (for example: only the IIS server for the es2000 web solution) to a shared server hosted by a computer center.

Technically there is no reason why the complete infrastructure cannot be operated in a computer center if this is permitted by data protection and IT security regulations. Access is then exclusively via remote desktop (RDP). However, the current pricing structures for managed Windows servers makes it advisable to switch to server housing of your own hardware and software,


Functionally there are no restrictions to operating the es2000 software in machine-oriented virtualization environments such as VMware ESX or Microsoft Hyper-V. Please bear in mind the slightly increased system requirements (usually an additional 10%) due to overhead, and only use hardware that has been certified for this purpose by the manufacturer.

Please also observe any further instructions and configuration recommendations from the particular provider. As well as Microsoft's Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP) and the recommendations of the Microsoft SQL Server Customer Advisory Team (SQLCAT), VMware in particular has published numerous white papers on best practice1 in SQL server virtualization, throughput optimization, and latency reduction.

es2000 Support will initially try to analyze and rectify problems that occur in the virtual environment. To eliminate the effect of virtualization (particularly with terminal servers) es2000 may request that you reproduce the problem on a physical reference system.

This also applies if performance problems or faults are apparent in third party components.

Overview of eserp services

This overview indicates the connections that exist between the individual eserp services.

The example shows the operation of the esweb server in a DMZClosed Demilitarized zone (demilitarized zone) A demilitarized zone is an independent network that acts as a security zone between an external network (e.g. the Internet) and the internal network. This security network contains a web server which has firewalls monitoring its communications, for example. and assumes the application of the complete product with the basic specifications.

es Business Server service

The es Business Server service is required for eserp program functionality and is therefore installed on a central server in the network (for example on the server with the eserp installation or the database server).

Server configuration (esServerconfig)

The es Business Server service is controlled centrally using the esServerconfig configuration interface. They are installed using a setup that is designed to allow services in the same release that are already installed to be updated by means of an assistant.

esBusiness Server - Requirements

The following requirements must be met for installation and operation of the es Business Server service:

eserp Service users

A Service User must be recorded for the Business Server in the eserp Settings under Settings | External programs | es2000 | es Business Server | Settings.


Personnel number service user

Make sure that the personnel number recorded here does not have a password for eserp. This personnel number is therefore a dummy number for which an additional user license is not required.

This personnel number is needed for the Contact and Service call actions so that it can be entered when these actions are automatically created. This allows you to see whether an entry was made by a user or by the es Business Server.

Authorization to configure the es Business Server service

The logged in user requires certain user authorizations in eserp in order to configure the es Business Server service using the esServerconfig program.


Any normal eserp user with the corresponding authorizations can be used for this, but we recommend the creation of a separate user in eserp for administrative purposes.

At least the following eserp authorizations / user licence must be present:


User license (not a Technician license)


  • Authorization for Administration | Basic Settings
  • Authorization for Office | Personnel and authorization for Office | Personnel - Details

Windows service user

To control the es Business Server services, we recommend the creation of a separate domain user. This user can be named eserpAdmin, for example. Such a user requires various user rights to enable the es Business Server services to perform their various tasks.

The required user rights depend on the modules that are used. The following authorizations are currently necessary:

For further information please see the links / information given for each item.

Execute as service

The Windows user requires authorization to execute as a service.

Also see eserp Service users

Network access

As the Business Server service communicates with other applications on the network, the Windows user requires network access.

Also see eserp Service users

Also see Firewall sharing / Used ports

Access to the drives / folders of the document management system (DMS).

Access to the contents of the DMS is exclusively through the Business Server service. Individual eserp users do not need authorization for the corresponding sharing of the DMS.

The service user requires authorization in order to access directory sharing:

  • Read

  • Write

  • Edit

Also see DMS technical functionality.

Relevant for modules / functions

Document management

Sending Emails through the server (access to files from the DMS)

Receiving Emails (archiving of file attachments and original Email)

Access to Microsoft Reporting Services

Microsoft Reporting Services provide extended report evaluations through the Microsoft SQL server.

The appropriate setup must be completed in order to use Microsoft Reporting Services.

Required eserp settings

Settings | General | Settings | System Settings - Windows login -> Windows user

Settings | General | Reports | Settings | General - Microsoft Reporting Services -> Server URL

Relevant for modules / functions

  • es Dashboard

  • es Business cockpit

  • Use of Microsoft SRS reports

Access to the system documents through esweb

The esweb product enables the documents for a system to be accessed via the Internet.

A special feature is that, where necessary, documents that may be confidential can only be accessed through special security mechanisms. The advantage is that the documents are only present on the server temporarily and when required.

Relevant for modules / functions

  • esweb Object documents


The following functions can also be assigned to the service user, but it is recommended that you use your own users for the email and Exchange link.

Authorization Email 'Send as'

To send Email using the Business Server service, the service user needs authorization to send Emails in the name of other users / departments (Send as).

Relevant for modules / functions

  • Sending emails

Access to the Exchange mailboxes for appointment matching


License for esExchange (Exchange synchronization of appointments and tasks) is required

Relevant for modules / functions

  • esExchange

  • Synchronization of appointments and tasks between eserp and MS Exchange

Firewall sharing / Used ports

As well as the above-mentioned service user with the corresponding authorizations, the following shares are needed in the firewall for operation of the services:

Port 12161 (TCP)


esBusiness server service (events)


Port 12161


The port can be adjusted manually if required.

Port 12163 (TCP)


es Business Server service (web service)


Port 12163


The port can be adjusted manually if required.


SSL Configuration through a certificate is required.

SSL Configuration when esExchange is used

A certificate from a trustworthy certification body is required for access to an Exchange through EWS.

Note: A self-signed certificate is not sufficient for Exchange synchronization.

Port 445 (TCP)


esweb -> system documents

SMB access to the system documents from the esweb

Share application / service


esnetsrv.exe (server)

The es Business server service (ESBusinessService.exe) communicates with eserp via dynamic ports (> port 1024).

Share application


If a firewall is active on the Client.


ESofficeNet.exe (client)

The es Business server service (esnetsrv.exe) communicates with eserp (ESOfficeNet.exe) via dynamic ports (> port 1024).


The optional esweb module provides fundamental esofficeeserp functionality in a web based interface.

Access to esofficeeserp data is online via the Internet and a browser. This enables you to work in many areas while on the move using mobile terminal devices (smartphone, tablet, notebook).

The esweb user interface view is automatically adjusted for the mobile device used. A mobile view with the main functions is available for smartphones / tablets especially for use by technicians.


A server with installed / configured Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is required for the installation of esweb.

Also see Microsoft Web Server IIS

esweb system requirements

The following software must be installed before esweb can be installed:

esweb - required IIS features

The IIS components listed below represent the minimum requirements for running esweb. If additional IIS components are activated they do not have to be removed.

Web server

General HTTP features

  • Default document

  • HTTP Errors

  • Static content

Health and Diagnostics

  • HTTP logging


  • Static content compression

  • Dynamic content compression


  • Requirement filtering

  • Default authentication

Application development

  • .NET expandability 4.8

  • .NET expandability

  • ASP.NET 4.8

  • ISAPI extensions

  • ISAPI filters

  • WebSocket protocol

Management Tools

  • IIS management console



We strongly recommend activation of HTTPS encryption for the website used, because the standard HTTP protocol transmits all data unencrypted. A certificate is required in order to use SSL / TLS encryption.

Also see Activating HTTPS on IIS

esmobile (app)

The esmobile app requires various extensions to the database and logic on the server side. The following system requirements are needed.

These include:

  • esweb set up and installed

    Please note the requirements for the particular esmobile version that are given in the App Store.

  • SSL certificate recommended


    This must be a non private certificate for operation of the Windows esmobile app.

esofficeeserp required settings

The following settings are needed in esweb / esofficeeserp:


Select one of the two options (Personnel Vehicle store or Personnel no. in Warehouse) under Settings | General | Service - Order -> Warehouse filter.


Assign a Vehicle store to every esmobile user / employee under Office | Personnel | Details II.


The main warehouse should never be used here. Transmission of large quantities of item data can degrade the operating speed.

Exchange interface (esExchange)

The esExchange module is part of the esBusiness Server and is used to synchronize appointments and tasks between eserp and Microsoft Exchange. Synchronization settings can be made for each user to be synchronized. It is also possible to link to several MS Exchange servers.

Requirements for operating the Exchange interface of the es Business Server service


  • Microsoft Exchange 2016 or later

  • EWS (Exchange Web Services) pre installed and executable


    We strongly recommend the use of Autodiscover for communication.

    To see if this is possible without problems, perform a connectivity test for Microsoft web services under

    [Connectivity tests for Microsoft Exchange web services -> Synchronization, Notification, Availability and Automated responses]

  • SSL connection A certificate that is not self signed is needed for this.

  • If load balancing is used, it is essential that the entire system converges under one URL (not one URL per user / mailbox!) If this is not desirable, an additional module (esMulti-Exchange) can be purchased, which allows connection to several Exchange servers.

  • Consideration of other EWS parameters

  • The Exchange user account must be a Full user Exchange user account with postbox and must have authorization to impersonate the staff to be synchronized. This role is called Application impersonation.


    This should be carefully discussed with your provider, particularly if a cloud based Exchange solution is involved.


  • eserp Version 1.50 or later (additiional database script required)

  • esBusiness server Version 1.50 or later


The users that are to be synchronized must have authorizations to create appointments.


No conference appointments will be changed or deleted in eserp when they are changed or deleted in Exchange.

Please remember that your MS Exchange server will need to be installed and configured by suitable IT professionals.

We also recommend that one of our technicians is present for the installation and start up of the esBusiness Server and esExchange modules as soon as the above requirements for the Microsoft Exchange server have been met.

Additional Exchange parameters

To operate the esExchange interface additional settings of the Microsoft Exchange server may be necessary. These can be viewed on the Microsoft Help pages.

To make it easier to find the commands needed, we have summarized them here. These should be configured by your IT administrator by means of the Exchange Management Shell.

The information shown here can be adapted to suit your needs. The user: exchangeadmin or name: ESExchangeEWS are possible variants.

The parameters given below apply to all supported versions of Microsoft Exchange unless otherwise stated.

Allow Exchange Server Active DirectoryUser Impersonating
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Name:EsExchangeEWS –Role:ApplicationImpersonation –User:esexchangeadmin
Query Exchange versions (Exchange 2013 / 2016)
Get-ExchangeServer | fl name,edition,admindisplayversion

Outlook add-in (esOutlook add in)

System requirements

Service requirements

  • To upload documents you must first complete installation of the es Business server services including specification of the document paths. Service users of the esBusiness server must have authorizations for acess to the document paths.