Line items

Contract fee line items make it possible to organize a Contract invoice more transparently. The Client gets an overview of the items that make up a Contract invoice (for example the proportions for maintenance and rental).

Contract final costing is simplified because the line items allow a detailed breakdown of services in a contract.

The individual Contract line items are recorded in the upper table. If you highlight a Contract line item in the table, the list below shows the fee history for this line item.

Insert Contract line item

Click on the button in the Navigator below the table view of the Contract line items.

Line item / Sub item

A new Contract line item data set is displayed. The following fields are pre filled: Line item (with the next available Line item number) and Sub item (always 1). The next line item number is automatically assigned. If necessary, enter your own line item number. The line items will be printed on the Contract invoice in order of line item number.

Enter a sub item number in the Sub item field. Only the first (lowest number) sub item is shown on the Contract invoice. The amounts for the other sub items will be included in the first (lowest number) sub item.

The other sub items allow for a further breakdown of items for your own Contract final costing. The sub items will additionally be booked to the corresponding revenue accounts in the Invoice allocation.


You can enter an individual description for the particular line item in the Description field. This Description is shown on the Contracts | Services tab for the selection of Contract line items.

Contract line item type

A Contract line item type must be selected for each fee that is to be booked to a different revenue account. Assignment to the revenue account (contra account), cost center, and cost unit is done using the Contract line item type.

The Contract line item types are created underSettings | Contract management | References | Contract line item types. A product type can be assigned to a line item type. Some examples of this are described below.

Product type


Fixed price

Contract line items with the product type Fixed price are permanently charged at the fee recorded for the Line item and are shown as a Quantity of 1 on the Invoice.


When invoicing a Contract invoice, line items with the product type Maintenance will only be included if this invoice is inclusive of Maintenance. Charging of an Inspection must be specified first because Maintenance can only be charged as an additional fee to the Inspection.


The Maintenance product type is, however, only shown if the Elevator tools product is not being used, as this does not make a distinction between Inspection and Maintenance.


The amount to be invoiced for Line items with the product type Service is determined from the Labor reports. The individual shifts are each assigned one Contract line item in the Contract on the Service | Contracts | Services tab for this purpose.

On invoicing, all the working times for all shifts that have been assigned this Contract line item and which are within the period to be invoiced and for which the Invoicing option has been set will be added together and shown as a Quantity in the Contract invoice.


Line items with the product type Quantities are charged in conjunction with the Contractual services rendered. The corresponding information must be entered for the services and shift data on the Service | Contracts | Services tab for this. The line item fee is multiplied by the quantity of shifts agreed and completed and the number of employees for billing.

Tax codes

You can specify a separate Tax code (VAT code) or select one from the corresponding list field for each line item or sub item. This may be required for insurance, for example.


The Quantity field can only be edited for line items that are assigned the Fixed price product type (see Contract line item type). When Contract invoices are booked, the Quantity according to Contract is entered in the invoice line item for line items with product type Fixed price and the fee is multiplied by the line item quantity.


You can specify the fee for each line item in this field.

Invoice from

You can specify for an individual line item the date from which the line item will be charged, for example if a free maintenance period has been agreed for a line item. Enter the corresponding date in the Invoice from field. In this situation, this date is independent of the date specified on the Service | Contracts | Invoicing tab.

Terminated on

You can also specify the date after which individual line items are no longer charged. Enter the corresponding date in the Terminated on field. Individual line items can be terminated here, for example if items no longer exist or are replaced by others. When replacing a line item, the old line item must be terminated before the new line item is created.

Automatic price maintenance off

Line items that have the Automatic price maintenance off option set will be excluded from an automatic fee update.

They will also not be shown under Fee maintenance / List of contract line items and will therefore not be maintained either.

Start date automatic fee maintenance

You can also enter a Start date for fee maintenance here.


The Start date for automatic fee maintenance and the Automatic price maintenance off option are mutually exclusive, so if you activate the option, the start date is deleted, and if you enter a start date, the option is deactivated.

If a start date has been recorded for the Contract line item, this line item will be considered in the fee maintenance from this date onwards.

If you are not using automatic fee maintenance, line items with a start date greater than the current date will not be visible in the fee maintenance. If you are using automatic fee maintenance, the line item with a start date greater than the date from which the new fee is valid will not be updated.

System no.

You can use the System number field to assign a System to the Contract other than the main System from the contract. This is done using the selection field.

If you select a system here, the System match code is also entered automatically. This allows you to assign more than one system to a contract.


This field can only be edited, however, if the With several systems option is activated under Settings | Service | Contract management | Settings - 'General' area.

Contract line item ID no.

The next available number in the Contract line items number range will be entered automatically in the Contract line item ID no. field when you create a new contract line item. The ID no. is used on the Contracts | Services tab to generate the Shift data.

'Show information' button

The Show information button opens an Info memo field where you can record further information about each Contract line item in a separate entry window.

Net invoices

Contract invoices can also be printed out as net invoices without detailing the sales tax / VAT. For this, a tax code for which the % rate field is empty (nothing entered, not even 0) must be recorded in Settings | Book keeping | General | References | Tax code.

If a Contract invoice only contains line items without sales tax / VAT, the text associated with the tax code description for the selected tax code will be entered automatically in the sales tax line where the sales tax rate and sales tax amount are usually shown.

Please note that a contract invoice can only be written either with or without sales tax / VAT.

If a Contract contains fee line items both with and without sales tax, the booking will be canceled and a corresponding message displayed. (This also applies to all Contracts within an invoicing group.)

If all the fee line items in an Invoice are booked without sales tax, any Materials that have not yet been accounted will be automatically charged without sales tax.

'Fee history' table

Development of the fees for the highlighted Contract line item is displayed in this table. Fee maintenance can be performed line item by line item using the Line items - Fee maintenance toolbar or for specific contracts using the Service | Contracts | Fee maintenance menu command.

The fee history table contains the Completed option, which indicates whether the fee increase has already been applied to the associated Contract line item and therefore also included in the charges. This option is initially not activated directly after a fee maintenance operation unless you are using automatic fee changes with a start date.

In this case, the increase will not be set to Completed until it is entered automatically when invoicing the Contract invoice.


If a Contract invoice with automatic fee changes is canceled or deleted, the fee changes will be undone, i.e. the old fee will be entered for the Contract line item.

Functions / Toolbars

Various functions are provided in the toolbars (ribbons / ribbon bars) above the tabs.

The toolbar structure depends on the current module / tab.


Some toolbars are only shown when you edit certain fields, such as the Text toolbar when you edit rich text fields.

'Line items' toolbar

Fee maintenance

The Fee maintenance button can be used to perform fee maintenance for the current line item.