Microsoft Reporting Services

Microsoft Reporting Services (MSRS) is part of the Microsoft SQL server. The server takes over actual processing of the Microsoft SRS reports, and receives the report requests from eserp, for example.

Installation of Microsoft Reporting Services will be done by your IT administrator through the installation interface of the Microsoft SQL server.

The following topics will provide support in setting up Microsoft Report Services.

System requirements

Also see System requirements

The range of functions available with MS SQL Reports for eserp (Dashboard and Business Cockpit) depends entirely on the variant / edition of the MS SQL server that is used.

Thus, for example, special functions such as report subscriptions and drill downs on the evaluations themselves, etc. are dependent on the MS SQL server.

The following system requirements are based on the functions that are commonly used. Tests are always only done in this constellation. Parameters that are below these requirements may need to be researched separately.

  • MS SQL server (see System requirements).
  • MS SQL Reporting Services pre-installed.
  • Report Builder for editing / creating reports